sleepiest's Profile Comments

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I have a question, I see you only sell your designs to 18+ Does this go for oc trades as well? I adore your designs but am underage. Thanks! -Confetti

Hello! I am Tiger an aspiring traditional artist! I have been trying to find one of your characters for a SWAP with another artist But unfortunately not many artists are willing to part so I thought I would come to the source. I was wondering if you had any dinosaur or brightly colored characters up for offer? Or if we could do a design trade?

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Hi,do u take customs?

your characters and designs are so pretty! also i see you’re alwaus looking for new kids 👀 you’re more than free to have a gander at my th

slaps hands down 

all these good designs

rECENTLY many are thanks to you !! Q_Q ♡♡ i love them sm ;_;

>:U nah i barely gave u any fff 

i mean look at all the ones u made hecc