

Various forms, but all meant to encompass that who is me - a dog of all ages, an imp to be chaotic, a moomin troll to live the sort of life that someone should truly have. All of these are meant to represent me or some facet of me or just a weird sort of "I think it would be neat to have this as a sona".


Animals - okay for real, dogs - that have varying level of importance in the old Chaos brain that have varying levels of stories. From "this dog has the most concrete backstory of any character I have" to "I just think they're neat", that's what you'll find here. Tiered in a Sleeping City system, check out all the breeds that can be made.


An urban fantasy style rom-com with intents to maybe some day be a book series. All sorts of humans live in this world and almost all of them are some kind of fantastical beast. A place for vampires, wereanimals, witches, and more. A fun project that yearns to do worldbuilding in the only way I know how, which is at random and thought of on the spot.


I'm not saying that I know better than game creators, I'm just saying that I know what I like. Fan OCs for World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV, Dragon Age, and who knows what else might one day crop up. Please come and enjoy that which I care too much about and take far too seriously.