the gals are IN

Posted 4 years, 6 months ago by Pleris Isoprene

who would you rather meet alone in a dark alley

0 Votes pleris
1 Votes opine
12 Votes what do i look like, a coward? both of them.

what's up gamers, be sure to check out my latest mini bios from yesterday! i guess if i keep doing multiple a day i'll just make a bulletin advertising them the next day or something...?

  •  here's pleris, probably my most powerful oc who isn't some sort of deity or reality warper. she directly serves hell college's mighty dark chancellor... in a maid outfit. maybe theyre girlfriends. (they are girlfriends.)

  • and here's opine, the creator of the test reality and thus someone who keeps getting brought up over and over but who never rly had a profile anywhere until now despite being one of my most important and well-known ocs. i am good at profile priorities.

gotta pet a kitten tonight and probably take a nap at some point so we'll if i crank anything out today but i've got 4 profiles for 7 days so far so i'm not horribly behind on Unofficial OCtober:tm: or anything!! have a nice day friends

also to anyone who read things yesterday opine has more links filled out now so give those a peek!


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