Check Out Celeste Academy!

Posted 4 years, 4 months ago by Waltz

Hi friends! How has everyone been doing? Time for my annual self-promo post, aha~

My friends over at Studio Élan, a studio specializing in GxG visual novels and other WLW content, have been running a monthly fantasy romance series on their Patreon called Celeste Academy. Celeste follows the adventures of Carida, a senior and student of the magical culinary arts at the titular Academy, on a quest from the love witch to find her soulmate--via online dating??

Every month is featured a date with someone Carida has met through Wondr, an magical dating app, chosen by the readers' votes. Each date is written by a different author, and this month's date, a rendezvous with a mysterious girl named Lulina, was written by yours truly! ;)

As of this month, all of the dates and the accompanying preludes are publicly available for everyone to view, so please do check them out! (And if you enjoyed my girl, let me know! ;D)

Celeste Intro Post:
Pre-Date Poll/Profiles:
A Date with Lulina:

(Previous Celeste posts here!)


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