
Posted 4 years, 3 months ago by Lilina

Hello there folks

So just yesterday, I joined a community dedicated to literature and worldbuilding called ForgeFiction, and it's a platform where people can create books/universes online, and contribute with other people's works. It mostly relies on contributors voting on whichever is reliable for the book/universes, but I'll mostly go over the universe part, since I'm more into worldbuilding (even though I'm no writer).

For universes, you can create one from the ground up, and then make contributions by creating pages, edit existing ones, and place them in categories. If you're more into contributing with others, there is a vote system within the universes feature, where people vote which page is canon. My only nitpick with the voting system is that you have to contribute a lot in order for your vote to be stronger.

So anyway, I'm not asking anyone to join ForgeFiction. You do not need to join this site, but if you are more than interested, feel free. If you want to follow me, my account is @/Historiaoftheworldofurd (I can't seem to change my UN for some reason...).

Have a good day you guys. Hopefully y'all are doing well with exams/finals if you have any.


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