(Art) Fight Me

Posted 3 years, 9 months ago by Dregan

Hey-hey! So, obviously I've been like... getting back into art recently. And with that, it means I've been wanting to do more art-y things. Thing is, I don't always neccesarily want to just doin' art for me. I'm a kind, caring soul. I like doing art for others. I also however, am vicious, violent, sociopath. And I want to fight. As such, this year, I'm taking part in Art Fight; https://artfight.net/~Dregan

For those unaware, Art Fight is like... a mass art trade war. Each July, two teams are to do battle against each other - people from each side drawing art for each other in an attempt to gain points for their side. You can find a better explanation here; https://artfight.net/info/about

This time I'mma be on Team Sugar! So if anyone's following me who thinks they'd be down for a bit of an art scuffle... come at me!


ill beat the shit out of you, little man

oh fuketgtwgery