Peachea updates

Posted 1 year, 19 days ago by Candiedcoffee

Hey! It’s the original creator and owner stxrlights / Candiedcoffee! I’ve gotten ownership of the species back and am going to be revamping it. The world is moving Here and the species is being redone. Please resubmit your myo’s following the updated traits guide, if things need to be updated please edit and submit. Any myo’s and even peacheas made by me or other ga’s will not be considered official or part of the species if they no longer follow the required traits. Obviously you don’t have to pay for a new myo and old unused myo slots will still be accepted. To confirm myo’s please email: [email protected] or message me here.

General info:

Peacheas have a strong connection to the arts and nature

They’re mostly pacifists but it’s likely that poison peacheas or rotten peacheas will be more violent and corrupted.

Peacheas are always anthro or feral
Their set and required traits are:

- Peach ears
- Plant or sprout on top of head
- tail with syrup
- Syrup blood

Peacheas don’t have rare or common traits however they do have sub categories and mutations.

Though rare poison peacheas are a naturally occurring phenomenon. Poison traits are rare birth defects that some peacheas are just cursed with. Despite it not being something they can change or choose it’s still looked down upon

- peaches can look normal but syrup and inside is poison instead of sweets
- plants are poisonous or deadly plants
- more likely to have mutation traits

Infected by a disease these Peacheas have started to rot. They’re like zombies but fruitier they produce a sickly sweet fermented smell almost like wine, it’s an attractive smell to bugs leading to rotten peacheas often having infestation issues on top of their regular decay.

- Rotten peaches
- Dead plants
- Curdled / expired / molded syrups
- Physical decay

Like poison, gummy traits are something peacheas are born with. They’re favored and praised by peachea society for their desirable traits and tendency to have sweet personalities.

- gummy peaches
- Berry plants / sprouts
- Gummy paw pads

Crystallized: if a gummy peachea gets infected with rot they turn crystallized instead of rotting!

- hard crystallized peaches
- Plants often get tears instead of decaying
- Blood crystalizes when it touches the surface
- Crystallized syrups
- Crystallized paw pads


Pretty much any peacheas can have these traits. It’s least likely for gummy peacheas and most likely for poison ones

• swirly eyes
• multiple (up to 9) tails
• syrup leaks
• syrup paw pads
• foliage / sprouts around the body
•sentient / living tails (extremely rare trait)
•fangs and or claws
•peach slice ears

Updated species sheet will be posted asap, adopts will be updated in the new world and the Discord server. If you want to join my discord and the links expired just lmk! Once your myo’s and ga or stxrlights peacheas are updated and confirmed I’d super appreciate if they were resubmitted to the new peacheas world


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