
Posted 10 months, 15 days ago by krisp

someone from theatre is trying to set me up with someone i kinda know and i didnt thgink they were being serious but they are andi just need totget this out there cause its 9 am on a saturday and most my friends areasleep rn


What another comment or said, is it a "how do I tell them no" or "Im nervous" 

im] just nervous i think im not really against the idea of datingt the person theyre trying to set me up with i dont know what todo

Is this like a "I'm a little nervous but kinda excited too" help or "how do I tell them no" help? /gen

moreso im nervous and one of my friends just woke up and said i shouldnt do it because itw ill be awkward

I can't tell you what to do, but I had a very similar experience and I can share how it went for me. I was pretty introverted outside my friend group in high school, and I had a friend set me up with a guy I'd talked to like once but I thought he looked cute (even though I'm sorta ace and don't tend to base my romantic feelings on appearance). Anyway he apparently had noticed me too so we started texting and planned to go on a day out to a fall farm festival. (My family tagged along while giving us distance but that's ANOTHER story). Anyway, we had a nice time but didn't really click. It was just like hanging out as friends though, and we just kinda stopped talking afterwards because I was busy and he didn't like texting much. I saw it as good dating experience at least because I hadn't dated for a few years and I wasn't great at making the first move. 

Anyway I think it's only natural to be nervous but maybe it'd be a good experience even if it doesn't work out. I hope the best for you!!

perhaps so, and even if its awkward i can learn thiungssssss'

thing is tho. that they are like idk if i want to go so im like. UAGFZHSDEJSLK even being set up they dont want to maybe wihic is disheartening

That is a bit disheartening :( but maybe it could mean they’re nervous too? Whatever you decide to do, I wish you luck!

yes yes, although i will say the one day i talked to them (after my friend ditched me at hoco) i thought that they were kind of cute and wanted to talk to them more sothis is kinda like a rude awkwaneing outta no where if they straight up dont like me at all artgjhsjk

tand THANK U