◇◇ rules

Posted 7 months, 5 days ago by zoocyte

01. do not remove or obscure my signature.

02. do not use adopts that are not your own.

03. give appropriate credit to the species owner and designer (me) when  posting your adopt elsewhere. you can credit either my toyhouse (zoocyte) or my twitter (@zoologician).

04. adopts may be gifted. adopts may be traded for other adopts within  this species, or other original characters outside the adopts.

05. you must update me with changes of ownership.

06. if you no longer connect with your adopt, you can resell it for the same price you got it for, if you bought it (price can only be increased if the adopt has art pieces made of it).

07. do not make major design changes to your adopt.

08. you may decorate and create extra references as you please, and can add any omitted details (palette, blood color, tongue color, paw color, full design of obscured body parts like folded wings [a pantheryc's  design is presumed symmetrical and must remain so, unless the artist specifies asymmetry], expression, stylization of lineart to your own, facial features, body type, items). any design additions must be in line with  the original design, and use only colors and design elements present on  the main base.

09. you may take an adopt out of the species and use it as a separate original character with their own lore, just inform me.

10. you may make your own pantheryx (they will exist within the universe  and lore of the land arcana), however you will have to create or find a separate base. inform me if you have made your own pantheryc.

11. always be kind and respectful. do not whine, guilt trip or beg.


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