part 2?

Posted 3 months, 15 days ago by AbsoluteCarnage

Edit. Call out incoming.

Some people told me the best would be submitting a ticket for block evading, i did, i have put the proof i have I'm not sure if it'll be enough for the admin i just hope it is... I'm sorry if i din't reply anything i'm overwhelmed about this I'm so coward to interact with real people even if it's online, for the moment i'll just go back to work on my commissions as i was doing i can't let this shit to affect me more, I'm very gratefull for the tips and words y'all gave me, even if I'm an adult now i feel weak confronting this type of things


Its okay to feel like that, is totally normal. I know I would feel like you in such situation!

I recommend saving as much evidence as you can in case you need more evidence for admins, hope everything goes well!♥