Fall 2024 Purge

Posted 13 days, 23 hours ago by oldhunters

It's that time again... 

I feel like my Toyhouse is a bit cluttered and all over the place, and I'm not using most of my characters at the moment, so I'd like them to go to someone who will...

As of right now, I am currently looking at USD, art, customs or trades. I can be a little picky - I apologize in advance. I will consider cs designs but I'm not actively looking for them right now.

Trade preferences


Entire account

Tentative characters

Trades folder

**You may offer on auth-only characters, but most if not all of them are fandom related. Sorry.

Highlights below:

Please pardon me if I take a while to get back to you...


Hello! I'm interested in Joyueuse and would love to offer on them!
I'm not sure if any of these characters might interest you, but I picked a very short list that I thought could possible catch your eye!
[ Small Tag! ]

Aside from that I also have my art examples [ here ! ] if that would interest you, but no hard feelings if not as I know you're tentative on them! ^__^)/ !!
Tysm in advance for looking at my offer!

Hello, please pardon the late reply.. While I do like O'Clock, I'm afraid I wouldn't use them more than Joy, and I don't think I'd take art alone... Thank you for the offer though! (+I apologize for not getting back to you on the last bulletin, I'm fairly sure you had commented...)

Thank you so much for getting back to me / letting me know! and no worries on the previous no response <:D !! it happens!
Perhaps a weird question, but are you okay if I dm you about a potential trade offer? There's a design in your favorites that was offered to me, so I wanted to ask if they might interest you- but the design is currently auth only, so I could show you them through dm? If not comfortable with that I respect that fully! 🤧❤ !!

Yes that's fine! ^_^

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Hi I’m so sorry for the late reply T_T I don’t think I’m ready to let Laurent go quite yet and someone had offered to AB the adopt but if that falls through I can let you know? ^^

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Heyy!! Idk if this is where you'd like me to offer on this guy but I saw this guy on my feed and I see great potential in him. I'd love to trade for him! I can do art, a custom, or u can look through my UFO folder! 


Also, here's a link to my art folder and my trades folder



Hi!! So sorry for the late reply!! I would happily do art for them! You can draw anyone here, I've authorized you so you can see everyone ^_^ Feel free to draw whoever/whatever you want, I don't mind... 

Hi, I just wanted to check in and see if you were still interested so I can mark them as pending! (Finally logged in on there again ha) No worries if not, just want to make sure I have everything in order ^_^

Yes, I am! I've been busy the past few days but I'm actually getting to the drawing rn (I literally came on to grab the reference sheet.)
I'll get back to you shortly

No worries at all!! Take your time ^_^

Done! I'm going through an art block rn so it isn't perfect and I think I maybe injured my wrist while working on it but I hope u like it regardless. Ur rattlesnake guy is very cool

Ahh it’s wonderful!!! Thank you!!! I’m sorry about your wrist + artblock … I hope it wasn’t too much trouble for you. Thank you again, I’ll transfer the character now!