Anyone interested in reading over my Zodai info?

Posted 6 years, 7 months ago by PrinceSawyer

Zodai interest check?

9 Votes Yes
0 Votes No
0 Votes Maybe?

In case you're wondering why I've been taking an eternity to produce anything concrete of my species, Zodai, it's because I've been trying to figure out how best to...present them? orz They're really special to me, so I've been having a hard time doing them justice so far. I haven't been able to do a proper trait/info sheet yet, and I don't think I will until I have everything down in writing...

...which is where you come in. I've got a hidden character on here that I've been using for all my species info (even more so now that the tab feature exists hghfgfhg) so I'm thinking...I might authorize some people to look at what I've written, about the lore and everything, and give me some feedback? I want to keep it among people I know/trust, so...I dunno, comment or PM me if you're interested in sorting through my clusterfuck of info. c':


Sticks out m'leg IM HERE I'm more than interested!!

Alrighty!! I'll PM you in a bit. ' v 'b


I'm in

Mmk! I'll PM you the link. ; v ;