
writing and development prompts

All writing prompts will be directly in the characters' bios on their pages, and all art prompts will be in the galleries of each character. Previous writing will be counted for the writing prompts and organization prompts, but not for art. Writing will be done by prompt instead of by character (eg, writing each character a basic bio before moving onto the next prompt) and art + organization will be done by character instead of by prompt (eg, focusing on one character and completing all prompts at one time, then moving on to the next character.) When a character has completed all prompts, they will be listed as "finished." All characters must be finished before December 31st, 2018 11:59 EST.

Additionally, to make things a bit harder, all art prompts must be completed by myself, and cannot be ordered. Collaborations are alright, but they still must be mostly completed by me. This also means no art trades, and color-ins of lineart, even if it's my lineart, does not count- even for Ready to Reference.

[ 5/10 ] Basic Bio: Write a short description (1-2 sentences) of the intended use or development for each of your characters. These can be rough and choppy statements, but you must record at least an idea of what each of your characters is going to be like. No more "blank slates." Still needs to be completed by Artemis, Benthic, Drew, Milo, and Abraham.

[ 3/10 ] Personality Pro: Compose a full description (1-2 paragraphs) of each of your character's personalities. This cannot be one sentence or a short list of words. It must contain a detailed description of what they are actually like. Still needs to be completed by Jiayi, Artemis, Benthic, Drew, Abraham, Vega, and Milo.

[ 0/10 ] Detailed Description: Write a personality (1-2+ paragraphs) and a basic overview of background/history information (1-2+ paragraphs) for each of your characters. This should establish both what they are like and where they came from; what is unique about their story that makes them an interesting character? In order to earn this achievement, every single one of your characters must have a personality AND a history. Still needs to be completed by Jiayi, Kaede, Artemis, Benthic, Drew, Bermuda, Abraham, Pierre, Vega, and Milo.

[ 0/10 ] Short Scenario: Write a short story (2-3+ paragraphs) or song prompt for each character. Each short scenario or song-based writing piece should recount a specific moment in your character's life. Still needs to be completed by Jiayi, Kaede, Artemis, Benthic, Drew, Bermuda, Abraham, Pierre, Vega, and Milo.

[ 0/10 ] Soundtrack: Create a short playlist (5+ songs) for each of your characters based on their appearance, personality, and/or life experiences. Still needs to be completed by Jiayi, Kaede, Artemis, Benthic, Drew, Bermuda, Abraham, Pierre, Vega, and Milo.

art prompts

  • [ 0/10 ] Snapshot: Draw or order a themed piece for each of your characters that is specific to your character (no generic poses like sitting or standing allowed) in some sort of setting or doing something that is distinctly characteristic of their personality. Still needs to be completed by Jiayi, Kaede, Artemis, Benthic, Drew, Bermuda, Abraham, Pierre, Vega, and Milo.
  • [ 0/10 ] Tag, You're It: Draw a small tag piece [150x150-300x300 pixels] for each of your characters. Still needs to be completed by Jiayi, Kaede, Artemis, Benthic, Drew, Bermuda, Abraham, Pierre, Vega, and Milo.
  • [ 0/10 ] Fifty Faces: Draw or order a 50x50 pixel [or non pixel] avatar for each of your characters. Still needs to be completed by Jiayi, Kaede, Artemis, Benthic, Drew, Bermuda, Abraham, Pierre, Vega, and Milo.
  • [ 0/10 ] A Hundred Avatars: Draw or order a 100x100 avatar (pixel or non) for each of your characters. Still needs to be completed by Jiayi, Kaede, Artemis, Benthic, Drew, Bermuda, Abraham, Pierre, Vega, and Milo.
  • [ 1/10 ] Ready To Reference: Draw or order a detailed reference sheet for each of your characters. Still needs to be completed by Jiayi, Kaede, Artemis, Benthic, Drew, Bermuda, Abraham, Pierre, and Milo.

organization prompts

  • [ 10/10 ] Character Keeper: Consolidate all characters and all art pieces with as much artist credit as known/possible onto one character storage platform. All completed.
  • [ 0/10 ] Balancing the Books: Determine and record what you spent on each character you own (not including additional art purchased) and any additional stipulations/rules. Still needs to be completed by Jiayi, Kaede, Artemis, Benthic, Drew, Bermuda, Abraham, Pierre, Vega, and Milo.


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