Progress updating (with new oc spoiler)

Posted 6 years, 2 months ago by Ledokol

          One good news that happened to me since the last update is that my ear infection is completely healed - no more trips to hospital sitting in the middle of screaming kids waiting for my appointment!   But after that, I'd say I was close to returning to hospital again, but not as a patient. So out of no where my mom managed to catch a random cold again, the second time in four months. Because of my history of catching her last bound of cold in late October, I had to keep myself away from her while watching over her (because she's old, she has a tendency to accidentally choke on her saliva when she has a coughing fit). She seems to be healthy now, but hu...that was some stressful moment because even a simple cold could turn into something more serious for elders.

          As for the new AE facts, I'm struggling with the very last couple of topics because of my hopelessness concerning explaining physics theories. I mean, I love sci-fi but I'm the most stupid person on the earth when it comes to physics.   That was the main reason why I chose the language program for my 10-12 grade because I wouldn't survive math and physics for a day. Either I need to find some reasonable explanation for the concept I have or I'll have to exclude that concept altogether in order to complete this facts revise.

          In anticipation of the coming new facts, here comes the spoiler of the next OC I'll be uploading next month. Since I've uploaded Vova - my Russian mafia OC and seemingly the main antagonist in the AE verse, I have been fidgeting to upload his nemesis because these two have been rivals since the old, original plot they belonged to that I've completely discarded for a few years.


          Shura is one of the very few mortal humans that will have a direct role with the androids. He works to protect them from being obtained by any of the illegal arms dealing organized crime syndicates that have been looking for opportunity to get their hands on warfare androids in working condition. As you can see his birthday on the info section on the right, I hope I can finish a new portrait for him to upload his profile by that day. Unlike Vova though, Shura has been drawn for a few times so even if I can't finish a new drawing in time...I'll just use one of the old drawings as temporary avatar.


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