ALL of my characters UP FOR OFFERS

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by delirium

Reminder that ALL of my characters are currently on SALE!

I am only looking for $$, so please keep that in mind when asking/offering :> <333


How much for cleric? 

She has a few more sketches that I didnt upload yet so I'd sell her for $120

how much for baku? uwu

What would you be looking for for this lovely bean?

She is trade only!

Is there anyone in my TH at all? Preferably with the yes or maybe tag, but I'll look at the no tag as well! 

$45 for ? No idea their worth! 

Their worth is $80 + $45

I'd be happy with just their original price, so $80 ; ; lmk if that works for you!

Aa can't for now! Sorry 

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I'd be happy with $100 :>