Heckin' click.



did you really pay someone to dress as smiley

Awww sweet :)

I see this again and to this day I'm like 'wow fucking amazing'

Truly... all he wants... is for us to be happy   

What a mad lad. True meme such devotion.

I've never think someone would pay this guy to act as their oc. But you did it, You absolute madlad

Don't forget to smile! A ha ha ha ha ha ha

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this watered my plants thank you

im scared


you know he had to do it to us

(real talk omg this is cute? i love this guy's laugh)

I don't think you drank enough milk today, boo.

Are you smiling at least? :)


This is great, oh my god.

This video makes me feel like I’m going to die in 7 days. Confirm pls?

Oh my lord. sdfdsg Here he comes tellin me to have a good day. Hahahahaha

thanks! im terrified

Dude this is so great!

What a unique upload! Smiley rocks!

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holy shit?

thank u smiley

oh my god

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I'm blessed. 

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