Posted 5 years, 6 months ago by Virgichuu


Virgichuu here! As the title of the bulletin suggests, this is made specifically for trades and requests of any type. There will be sometimes when I'd want to draw something else that my personal art and thus I made so that everything is better organized and easier on both you and me.

DA Request BOX DA AT Journal TOS


Requests [CLOSED]

Requests won't often be open but when they will, chances are that I'll limit myself to sketches when I'm bored unless I'm totally in love with your character! I'm less likely to draw ship but if I really like them, I might!

Art/Design Trades [CLOSED]

I'm most proficient at art and I like designing too. I'm very picky about the skill level though. You can find more information for design trades by checking my wishlist or custom forms on my front page. For Art Trades, refer to my TOS for more information on my dos and donts! I'll be picky about both art and characters and I want you to remember that I have a very inconsistent artstyle. The exchange doesn't have to be equivalent (bust for chibi etc...). I'm fine with ships but again, refer to my TOS for that as well! Please provide me with CLEAR refs and I don't accept adoptmakers or gaias etc...I'm currently looking for chibi or headshot trades of single characters! Please drop your ocs and I'll pm you if I see myself drawing them! I'm not looking for design trades at the moment!

Current and Done Trades: Judas-la-Carotte (done) || Yuarei (?) || @Sevenlole (done) || Triachi (done) || ThatDamnFreak (done) || @rinnyrinron (done) || KaNa (done) || art slot 1 || art slot 2

Art/Writing Trades [CLOSED]

I really love reading writings of my ocs so I enjoy these trades. I'm mainly looking for romance/fluff and some angst thrown in it if you'd like. I'm not into NSFW but we can discuss each other's boundaries!  I'm offering busts for those! If possible someone familiar with historical writing but anything is fine! Would love to read a few snippets!

Current and Done Trades: Garbagegremlins (done) || @MythicDraws (done) || crimsonalloy (done)

The Dos and Don'ts


  • OC/OC
  • Humans/Kemonomimis
  • Fantasy
  • Boys/Girls


  • NSFW
  • Cyberpunk/Dark
  • Anthro/Animals/Furries
  • OC/Canon

HTML by lowkeywicked


//S o b s
If you are looking at Art Trades (or a possible Design Trade) I'd totally be done for one.

Oooh! Sure thing! Would love to trade with you >w

Aah awesome ;;;

What kind of trade would you prefer? I can do either Art or Design <'3

We can do an art trade? Or we can even go like- art/design XD As in I design you a character and you make art of mine?

Ooh an art/design trade could be cool ;;
Speaking of that, which character (can do more than one <'3) would you want me to draw? (along with if you'd want a full body, half body, etc.)

Wonderful <33 Oooh I give the liberty to choose! Anyone other than those in "Other" folder are fine <3 Do you have a wishlist or some precision for your design?

21 Replies

If you are still looking for ATs and you don't mind waiting a bit, I can offer trading art with you? If you are interested, of course. Or a design trade, if you would prefer?

Darn considering your gorgeous art AND incredible design skills I dunno which to choose lmao---But I'll go with art this time :33 I'd love to trade with you >w

aaaaa you're so kind /hug/ And I have to say the same about your artworks! Everything you draw or design is gorgeous! That's amazing! Who would you like me to draw for you? And which one of these types would you like to get: https://sta.sh/01pfb1zdsr8i ?

//hug <333 Uhm honestly, I don't have preferences, anyone that might inspire you except those in "Other" folder!~ Would you be alright trading half-bodies? A black-inked one from you would be wonderful >//w//< who would you like me to draw for you?

Obviously! Haha then I know who I will draw already! Would you mind if I added a sparkle animation to it too? I really like adding them! Hmm.. maybe you would like to draw one of the characters from here? https://toyhou.se/Triachi/characters/tagged:at/folder:all

Of course, I don't mind at all >w< !! Hehehe me too UwU Your characters are so nice too aaaaaaaaaaa ////

haehae c'est encore moi483170901622390805.png?v=1

Jserai bien tenté pour un AT classique d'ici la fin de l'année ! (après le design trade)

Non mais toi tkt j'avais l'intention d'en faire un XD J'attendrais la fin de l'année du coup!

Genre en décembre ou un truc du genre ! :D

Je te dirai quel perso à ce moment là ptdrrrrrrr

Ça marche pour moi u-u

YOSH J'ai pas eu le temps de te proposer un AT sur le discord, du coup j'me demande si tu serais intéressée ? :p

Owiiii ça m'intéresserai beaucoup!! J'en serais honorée même!

Aaah tu voudrais faire un AT de quoi alors ?! >v<)9

Aaaaah je sais pas >w< Bust pour bust? Tu me propose quel oc?~

Pourquoi pas ovo

J'ai celle-ci qui pourrait bien aller avec ton style je pense : https://toyhou.se/2056552.edelweiss-wilbrecht/gallery#7248172

Par contre c'est une sociopathe sadique et manipulatrice, donc tu peux lui donner un air faux-cul ça passe//PAN

Et toi du coup ?

Omg elle est absoluement géniale kfleireriezsdloamoz----ce sera un plaisir de la dessiner U-U Dans mon cas je ne sais pas si lui te tenterais: https://toyhou.se/1809034.caron/gallery Lui il est plutôt silencieux et stoic. Souvent inexpressif et sans pitié envers ses ennemis!~

2 Replies

Yosh ! J 'aurais finis dans le weekend normalement c:

Coucou, j'adorerais faire un art trade ou un design trade avec toi si tu as le temps et l'envie o/

(J'espère que je commente pas au mauvais endroit aaaa) 

Coucou!! Oooh ça me tenterais beaucoup vraiment! J'hésite entre art trade et design trade jdjsjsjjsjs j'aime beaucoup tes designs et tes artworks du coup blocage suprême aaaa

Ooooooh drftgyhuftyg si tu veux on peut carrément faire les deux ! Je serai en vacs la semaine prochaine donc ça ne me dérange pas, au contraire ! c:

Oooh ce serais un grand plaisir! On fais comme ça du coup uwu!~

Génial alors !! Tu voudrais que je te dessine qui du coup ? Et tu as une wishlist pour le design trade ?

Yep!~ Ma wishlist est sur mon profil et pour l'aesthetic je pense que tu peux te réferer à mes ocs existant!~ Si tu veux bien j'aimerais bien mon petit Karam!~ https://toyhou.se/2041951.karam Et pour toi ce sera qui? Et as-tu une whislist aussi?

4 Replies