Commissions are O P E N

Posted 5 years, 10 months ago by J0tiita

Hey guys, I know it's been a while since I've said or done anything on this page and its because I've been having a tough time online but that's all fixed and forgotten now! So I've decided that I'll be opening my commission to earn some extra cash. Homelife is starting get a bit shaky with now that my mom is FOR SURE losing the house now. (we are waiting to see what the court says) I want to just, have some cash ready for any sort of emergency starting now.

My commission info will be found here ---->

But any of yall are feeling nice and just wanna donate go here ----> Any and all donations will be VERY much appreciated!


Sorry guys if thr links didnt work! Ive updated them! They should be good to go now!

Your commission link didn’t work ;0;

Hdidbxbd oh my god! Im sorry!

Here u go if you're still interested in it! Dont send in the form! Im just using the website to display the prices and stuff!

Im real sorry about that! ;;

Oh, I forgot to mention my business email incase you need more info on anything about my commmissions ----> [email protected]