Eko ARPG Downtime

Posted 2 years, 3 days ago by aquapyrofan

Keep or change URL?

0 Votes keep dracogryph.aquapyronarpgs.com
0 Votes move to eko.aquapyronarpgs.com (with redirect)
0 Votes something else (with redirect)

My Eko ARPG (dracogryph.aquapyronarpgs.com) is currently offline due to financial concerns. I am going to be transferring the domain and everything to a new host, and will bring it back online when I can. All information has been backed up, so there should be no loss of data. Additionally, the poll is for when the site is active again, and will determine where I set things up on my host's side.

For those curious, I'm moving it to the same host as EvoCrit so I don't have to pay two hosting plans.


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