
Posted 5 years, 3 months ago by colorful

school's back! i'll be quite more inactive because of it, and i'll draw something twice/thrice a week to maintain my health span, but i will frequently communicate with anyone i owed art to as soon as i work on it! however, another problem punched me on the face...

some rat ate our wires which is why i lived without electricity for 3 days ✊😔 wires are fixed today but the only thing that's working home are lights (and they're very faint) so i only visit my neighbors for wi-fi rn but i'm sure it'll come back soon and i am excited to work on my stuff again! ò ∇ó)9 honestly can't wait to draw again

so yeah to those i owe digital art to (especially non-designs) i am sorry but i will get into them once weekend passes by! currently working on designs ny sketching them on my sketchpad, though! i've also been outlining them on my phone hehe

then i'll take a few weeks break until february to get my butt back to open customs > wo)b


CURSE DEM FREAKIN RATS. I'd hope everything get solved not only electricity but rat problem as well. DO hope you get your electricity going. That's scary and horrible.D:

Rats are Evil, we too have had a lot of rat troubles, and things got better after we got a cat (the MVP). Glad to see you back, gl with the art!

Omg that's awful!  I really hope your electricity can get sorted soon.

Oh damn, I haven’t had to deal with rodents but hopefully the rat problem gets resolved soon! But yeah I hope things get better soon!

Omfg that sounds rough :/ I've had rodents in an old house of mine in the past, but "luckily" they only ate food erf- Having to fix your electricity must be an hassle! I hope everything will get better soon! ❤️

That sucks. I hate rodents. They are the most annoying(est) pests. Well I hope your electricity gets (fully) fixed :3