Crosspost Requests

Posted 5 years, 2 months ago by aquapyrofan

In order for a character to be crossposted to TH from the EvoCrit site, you must fill out the below form.  Remember, you are responsible for maintaining accuracy of information on the TH character, and you must follow the usage rules.

If you're looking for a template to use for their profile, I highly recommend [Freebie] Species Keep.  I have my own templates, which are available on request.

Character Name:
EvoCrit Internal ID:
Profile Template?:[Y/N]

The EvoCrit Internal ID is the ID you see after their name when you look at the character in "My Adopts". You can put the form multiple times in a single comment to request multiple characters.

You can also edit your profile settings on the EvoCrit site to request crossposts for all your characters.


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