Let me draw ur pfp badly

Posted 5 years, 30 days ago by Swissy

Alternatively, let me draw the person in your pfp badly

I have 0 motivation to finish this art i owe so i beg you to boost me up pls



I’d love to see how you would achieve this

p lea s e 


((you can just use a single frame if you want to sksnksn I love this))

Here's my pfp character, if anthros aren't your thing, feel free to check out my humans in the same folder as Sundae. Thanks for the amazing opportunity. I dig these art pieces! 💖 

pls draw boneless spongebob

Unrelated but i love your planet OCs! 


fsjfajskljasljflsajk i hecking love this and ty u  ovo

and same at urs, i love objectheads uwu

please...... it’s Pala



oh my god...she thonk

I love it thank you

She looked like Popuko so i had to do this lmao


SHisheidheidj tysm Im gonna make this my Twitter pfp now

Hi! Here is a link:


P.S. This is the character you see in my profile picture.


Beautiful! You just made my day.