New GA applications!

Posted 2 years, 15 days ago by Omnislash

Second time of doing them like last time

Those picked will get to make any designs as adopts they want for the species for a 2 week period 

To apply please just comment with a design example and if you want why you wanna be a GA



I want to be a guest artist because I could show my true potential when it comes to drawing/designing


why i wanna be a ga?: well this will give me a hecking reason to actually draw stuff, and i can have an excuse to make something for others now :DD


pfft idk I really like the species, also IVE REALLY WANTED TO DESIGN A CLAWBIE, but I'm hesitant because I don't feel like I'll personally use my designs :( So if I could just put them up for adoption i feel like it'd rlly solve that issue. also the clawbie community is awesome i lvoe them all sm

I really like this species and I look up to you. So I'd love to be a GA.

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Here are my art examples:

I love designing these guys so making adopts would be pretty fun.

I'll be down for two weeks, I've been working on my designing more and these guys are pretty fun to work with!

Here's my art/designs: (everything on page 1 is also designed by me)

Here are my examples:

I enjoy designing, but never know what to do with most of my designs. I would love the opportunity to give my designs good homes, especially to the Clawbie server, as everyone has been so kind and helpful and welcoming!

I absolutely adore these little babies so much. They’re so fun to design and they’re the perfect level of freedom vs rules that I feel comfortable designing them. Here‘s the two I designed already:

All adopts would be done in this format and then I would fill in the info for the adoptee when they got them! I’ve designed quite a few characters for people; my most recent examples being base-designs like these:

Some of these I’m giddy to say have ended up in a mains folder or two. 

Hello! I'd love to be a GA because I love the species and I wanna spread clawbie propaganda !! Here's my design tab but adopts would have cleaner lines like this!

ME!!! I'd love to!! I'm Ash! Here's my design examples! ->>

I wanna be GA because I love the species and really wanna make more cool designs that are Clawbies related! I love making all types of designs so it would be super fun if I could!! 

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hi hi! i'm scrimbl and i'd love to be a GA ! here r my design examples !

i want to be a GA so that i can have more experience designing characters quickly. plus i really love designing anthro n feral charas in general ^^
although i can't take real money atm i'd like to make clawbies that people r interested in !!

Id love to be a GA since i love the design ocs but honestly i havent had much of a purpose to recently, so doing adopts for a species i like would be an amazing experience^^

Examples of designs: Clawbie : Non clawbie: <33

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Design Examples (Clawbies only) - 1 / 2 / 3

Reason For Application - I really enjoy designing Clawbies, and I love the idea of making Clawbies meant for the purpose of others adopting! Knowing that someone likes a design of mine to the points and wanting it themself brings me a lot of joy-

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Hi! I've been making great strides in improving my art & character designs & I want to be a guest artist so I can put those skills to the test. I have a lot of free time right now & would love the opportunity!

Examples: 1 [Clawbie], 2 [non-Clawbie]

I want to be a ga because I like designing characters, and it’d be cool to be a GA :>

ahh a lot if designs I like I’ve made in (my own) base, so heres An on base one, An on base one, Some off base ones and An off base one

(I wouldn’t use a base for GA designs)

I rlly want to be a GA bc I like designing and I rlly enjoy the species ^^

this is technically multiple design examples but still 

and id like to be a ga because clawbies are very fun 2 design........

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This user is not visible to guests. design examples lol

and the reason why i wanna be ga is because i have not participated in a collaborated closed species thing!! and id love to design some clawbies for people to be interested in