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Of course 8D I'm Nick Valentine trash and Paladin Danse trash, they're both my top favs.

Maccready and Preston would share second place though B))

Ah okay, ayyeeee! BD

I'm a dirty sinner and have an unlimited companions mod because I can't choose between Nick, Hancock, Curie, and Danse DX I'm gonna get MacCready next too! He's such a sweetie. And a badass.

also did u know you can romance ALL THE COMPANIONS AT ONCE? it's a base game feature. it's not a bug. GO WILD.

Yeah everyone is poly in fallout 4, B))) all the boyfransss Piper is my fav out of the ladies, I like her personality. I don't know much about Curie yet. Also true, yes, MacCready is a badass but incredibly adorable if you romance him, you'll feel like hugging your computer screen with what he says to you whenever you ask how their relationship is XD