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Ahh you're welcome!! You're OC are soo cool ans cute,  I really love drawing them! >^<

You're art Is really wonderful you're style Is juste soo cute!! X3

I would love talk more often with you!  I'm just à little shy because of my English XD 

Thanks you Is Hope that you have à Nice day of night too XD (for me its night XD) 

Ayyy ;w; I'm glad to read that <33

And don't worry! English isn't my first language either xD It's all ok ^v^!

And np/ty as well! (ohmy, here's midnight too asjaksj)

Oh I feel better to not be the only one who don't have English for first language XD 

To be exact for its 4h20 XD (omg I have to go to sleep one day its getting late XD) 

Same ;v;

Ohmy <:0 Here it's 0:22, though temperatures here became so hot these months (since it's summer) that it gets complicated to sleep úwù

For me its winter but its to hooot for the season XD I sleep late because I'm a litlle insomniac xD I hate summer its son Hard to sleep when its hot so good Luck xD

oh my, I see ;; I hope you rest well at least ;w;

And ty!

2 Replies