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The Armadillo snaps to attention and actually turns to face you for once, stepping back a bit as they do so. Confusion turns to apprehension, and their lamps flicker from Burn-orange down to their natural glow as they awkwardly shrink backwards in response to the questions.

“Oh, um, right. Sorry. I’m, uh, used to— nevermind.” Their fingers drum against their journal as they weigh their options. “I guess if The Axolotl sent you, it’s, uh— okay. But can you, um, put out any fires next time? We’re in— the ballroom is made of wood. You, uh, do know how to perform magic without keeping a fire going indoors, right?”

“Anyways. Questions. Yes.” Their tone shifts slightly as they run through what they could offer as answers, like reciting a presentation. “I saw the same kind of entity you did, I presume. It’s— it’s, uh. You know the other anomalies that arrive around October? This is, um, like that. Probably. Not just during October anymore, obviously. That’s new.” Their sentences come out stilted, and they do a very bad job of trying to sound like they aren’t still choosing the vaguest words they can think of.

“I’m trying— um, writing— taking notes. On what I can see. Well, not see, not until a few minutes ago, anyway. I’m just getting a visual record while I can.” They tap their pen against the page for emphasis. “I haven’t seen anything like it before myself. It does align with the— with some research that I’ve been doing in Zima. Which, uh, means it’s likely that they aren’t just here. Which isn’t ideal,” they tack on unnecessarily. “But you found— um, what you showed me— it’s a lead. On where they are, I mean.” Abruptly deciding to take a break from the unhelpful explanations, they pause and scribble a new note in their journal. “Say, do you know any Flow magic?”

More Solar Submergence monsters? Fantastic. Just what Craven needs. "So you're saying this party is being haunted by invisible 'lyte-eating creatures?" The Poison Dart Frog's posture turned hunched as her wings were left flared haphazardly to her sides, arms crossed as she scratched her shoulders. She wasn't even all that scared, she was proud of how effective she was protecting her fellow volunteers against the monsters at the geneode shack. She was just frustrated that the Armadillo thought they were in any place to keep secrets at this point of the night. 

Frankly, she found it highly suspicious. "So, what, is researching those things just a fun little hobby of yours?" she asked, with an exaugurated gesture, not expecting a straight answer. She scoffed with a bit more indignity than she would have liked when the Armadillo commented on her magical ability to handle fire. "I think I'm one of the least significant fire hazards in this mansion at the moment, at least I have the decency to put out the fires when I'm done screwing around with them, unlike some magical entities." She sourly glanced towards the ballroom's ceiling. 

 She shook her head, trying not to intimidate the Armadillo. She didn't think she would get more than baby steps of information at a time from them. "Whatever... can you at least share why you think this is happening? I'm fully willing to help you out, I want to understand these... anomalies, you said?, just as much as you do. But... unfortunately no, I do not know Flow magic," she said, tentatively, itching her her wrists. She quietly prayed to Incendium that this wouldn't cut their interaction short. "Burn magic is the extent of my skills. Sorry to disappoint," she added flatly. 

The Armadillo gives you a strange look and spins their pen nervously. “What? Haunted? Lyte-eating? Uh, no, probably not.” Their lamps brighten for a moment, and they look around for a nearby flash. “Didn’t you— they’re, um, small. Barely corporeal. Not in, um, a ghost way,” they add, nodding towards you. “It’s— imagine— I, um, really shouldn’t be saying anything without proof first.” Their gaze stays fixed on the floor, and with another flicker of their lamps, a creeping patch of ice melts before it reaches you.

“It’s, um— no. I do it— it’s, uh, my job.” They sink further into their mask. “And I wouldn’t describe it as, um, fun. For instance, being surrounded by a— by panicking lytes while trying to figure out how to get to someone that’s not even— with nothing to go off of. That isn’t fun.” They return to impatiently tapping along the cover of their journal, looking around with the same Burn glow as before.

After a moment, The Armadillo does their best to bury their face in their hands around the mask. “Fine. Right. I— I guess I owe you something. But I hope— I hope you understand that I’m not certain about s— any of this. And you— I, um, still don’t know you. I don’t really— I don’t think telling a stranger— nevermind. Just, um, forget the magic thing. Me neither.”

They pull on one of their mask’s strings uncomfortably and lower their voice to nearly a whisper. “Right. I really don't—” They sigh in defeat. “Let’s say there’s a— um, closed door. Except it, uh, broke? So now, it’s less— it opened. It’s not anymore, probably. But it’s not— unreasonable to assume that something had already, um. Left.” They vaguely gesture around to the flashes still flitting around the ballroom. “Anyways I, um— I really don’t know anything about these entities, except for the— except for what I can guess. I’ve never seen them before.”

They shake their head slightly, clearing it. “That’s not important right now, though. I really need to get to— find The Manta Ray. So, while this has been, um. Great. Unless you have any ideas on how to help with that, I’d really prefer to, uh, get back to it.”

The Poison Dart Frog untensed, her tail curled thoughtfully around her torso, as the Armadillo began to explain the scenario to her. She didn't actually expect her sass to get through to them, it never got her all that far before.

"Thanks," she said simply, glancing towards the spot in which they stopped the ice. "I get that there's no good reason to trust a random guest at this party but I do want to help if I can." She paused for a few moments trying to figure out how to deal with the news of some supernatural door having been opened into their world. That, well... that was a little bit more intense than she was anticipating. 

"So, they're not as blood thirsty as something like the noctebula or kylopsis or whatever upsetting thing I'm familiar with. That's reassuring. I can put that grievance aside for now. I can deal with the deeply disturbing concept of a doorway to another reality letting paranormal creatures disturb our lives when I have the emotional capacity again."

The Frog paused. "Wait, so the Manta Ray disappeared, but we know that things can teleport from the inside and outside of the building. Is it possible that they teleported elsewhere?" She pointed up at the space creatures floating overhead. "Is it possible the those little guys are teleporting here from elsewhere?" 

Her wings curled inward as she realized how unsettling this all sounded. "And, if it's possible for creatures to come from that 'door', could astrolytes end up on the other side too?"

Any tension that leaves you seems to take residence in The Armadillo instead, and they shift even farther away. “Well that’s, um, considerate. But yes, I still don’t have any reason to believe— to trust you. So, uh, please don’t make me regret this conversation more than I already do.” They pause momentarily, casting a worried glance around the room. “I really shouldn’t have said anything,” they add quickly. “I, uh, I don’t think I explained it very well. Well, that was, um, the point. But now you’ll— might talk about what you think I meant, if someone didn’t already overhear us, and then things will just spiral further out of control, and this has been a nightmare since the start—” Their voice falls to a mumble as they rant to themself for a moment. The mention of the Manta Ray snaps them out of it somewhat.

Exasperation rises in their voice, and they speak even faster than before in response to your thoughts. “Yes, the anomalies with teleportation probably teleported The Manta Ray elsewhere. But it’s not— it isn’t as simple as that.” They tap their hoof against the floor in agitation. “Didn’t you— did you see the other glow earlier? The one that doesn’t flicker?” They motion towards the area where said glowing was last seen, still surrounded by a dense crowd of lytes, unorganized now that The Basilisk left the area. “I— I’ve been trying to get closer, but I’m, um. I’m not— I can’t— n-nevermind. But it appeared after, um, The Manta Ray’s disappearance. Magic-aligned entities. Connect the dots.”

They firmly shake their head at the final question, though the assertive effect they were going for is weakened due to the fact that they still look extremely panicked. “No— no, I have already told someone I don’t even know way more than they’d ever need to, um, worry about. You— you helped me, I gave you information. We’re even. It’s, uh— questionnaire over.” They finally fall silent and stare avoidantly at their journal, anxiously pulling at the seams of their sleeve.

The Poison Dart Frog inhales deeply to retort but holds in her thoughts for a moment just to attempt to listen to what the Armadillo would willingly ramble about. Maybe they were out of touch with how deep their nose was into their books or deeply socially anxious with how they were stuttering like a cicada, but clearly she was reaching the end of The Armadillo's patience. She had the sense that their personalities didn't exactly mesh well.

"The point of that comment," she said slowly, trying to choose her words carefully but no doubt grating at their nerves further, "was to understand stand a perimeter in which we could look." She spread her arms, "You just said this nonsense is spreading. Pardon me if I was worried The Manta Ray ended up in Zima's ocean or something." She tried to avoid hissing her last sentence but her tongue flicked irritably as she spoke. She shook her head. 

"Fine. If you won't answer my questions we can silently work on finding the Manta Ray aimlessly on other sides of the room. Or you could use some of your copious information, get out of your head, and work with the many 'lytes wanting to find the Manta Ray. Like myself! That streak and the Manta Ray are connected, then that's where we look." The Poison Dart Frog knew she wouldn't get much farther with words.

Briskly, she flared her wings and grabbed the Armadillo's wrist, slithering quickly towards the dispersing crowd with her "acquaintance" in tow before they could tug out of her grip. Come out wherever you are, Manta Ray, she thought, putting up her free hand in which she peered through the magic glow of her hoof lamp as she activated her Burn magic and candles near her began glowing a lovely cyan.