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I was away at a convention so sorry for my late response. Thank you for this info. I thought maybe I'd sparked something that caused the shutdown but it would seem unlikely as the stuff the supposed "weeb" mentioned was nothing of what I'd said in my one and only post. I feel better about that. There were some Yikes opinions in there but I appreciated the honesty of it. You could truly see who were people you didn't want to associate with, if they bothered you, and block them. People who impressed you, you could befriend. I'd rather know who the assholes are than to shove them down into the basement and never know until they've struck, but that's just me.

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Sorry for my slow reply. Was out of town.

So someone got stupid(er) on the controversial thread. Why couldn’t they just ban that idiot and not have to kill the whole thread? I don’t get it.

Someone had said yaoi is gross because it fetishizes gay people. I had argued that showing interest in gay characters IS NOT fetishizing gay people and people who participate in yaoi ARE NOT terrible people. I wondered if someone jumped me about that but when I came back from my weekend away, the thread was already gone. :P


It’s one thing to have cool ideas in CSS and implement them, and maybe even consider copyrighting or at least shaming anyone if the END LOOK of the design is unique but gets copied, but to try to claim CSS FUNCTIONS would be like someone screaming copyright infringement because the house being built next door to theirs used wood and bricks and THEY had wood and bricks FIRST! HMPH! It’s just stupid.

I’m no master at CSS but I’ve done some fun things. I can’t decide if I should license out some of my designs or not because really, it’s all just code, code I didn’t invent. What makes it unique is how I put it together.

I get too existential about this, I think, but I’m terrible about trying to make money off of people on things they could create just as well as I did.

How do you feel about it?

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Thanks for your thoughtful input! I despise Bootstrap as I like coding from the ground up to ensure I actually understand what I'm creating, but I guess I'll have to learn it. *SIGH* I mean no disrespect to people who just buy and implement templates instead of learning to code them directly, but it feels limiting to just be stuck using what someone else made and only knowing enough to change a colour. If you build me a simple house, I'm going to take that house apart so I can learn how to build a better one.

Thanks for listening to me. I feel better about this. <3