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Ayye man! Your username confused me for a second lol,
 I'm so used to the one you use on DeviantART :,D !

Yeah haha sorry!
Kitsuyuukat used to be my username on everything before I changed it to Medicalkit and I dont have the money to get a name change here on toyhouse 

How are you? Its been a while :3 

What it costs money to change it now? I changed mine for free :,D from Vitiatus to GreaserDemon
Or does it cost money after a certain amount of changing it?

I'm alright! Just got back from vacation, me and Thall were at the coast by the beach for a week,
 now I'm catching up on owed artwork, how about you?

OoO I CAN change it! Oh my gosh I thought that was a premium feature so I never tried xD I guess it doesn't hurt to try. Oops hah well now I've changed it so yey thats awesome. 

Oh thats awesome sounds like a fun vacation. Tuesday I start the move, so I've been busy packing the house. :'3

Yeah before you couldn't change it but somewhen with their updates they gave the option,
I don't know if it's unlimited changing but well I doubt Id be changing from GreaserDemon anytime soon haha!

Oh are you moving within state or outside of your previous state? :0
Moving is always a ton of work though none the less... x_x I hate all the packing especially...takes forever.
Especially when you arrive to the new house and have to unpack and re-sort everything all over again ghh....

We are moving in the same city actually, just from a house to an apartment. So we have a lot of downsizing to do, we packed everything and threw it on the truck, and now there is no room in the apartment. So Im hoping we can unpack and toss the stuff we don't have room for away. We are at the unpacking stage now though. So hopefully unpacking won't take forever and we'll be settled soon, because I can't stand all of this clutter haha. It makes it feel claustrophobic in here. 

I love your name as greaserdemon it is a very cool name :3

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