Comments on Cinnabar "Bandage" All Comments Start of Thread Parent

Unfortunately she's now pending, I've just logged on to move her, but if that falls through I can let you know. She's money only since these pearls were made to help a friend raise money since his car broke down

Oh, damn. I hope it's nothing too serious. Even if it's just a car, it can be annoying ...

And don't worry about her if she's going away : I just wanted to share my thoughts about her. if anything, I'll think about Seaweed :)

From what he said its probably going to need a total engine replacement, and something to do with the head gasket?

And fair enough, I really appreciate your thoughts on the design, she was a rather tonal shift in comparison to the others ^^'

I can definitely see the difference in tone between all of them. Which is a good thing sometimes : I also thought about the same with a Peridot ! She's ... more patched up than Bandaged though hehe
Speaking of, it's mean to say that, but now that I talk about this Peridot : I might have ideas for Bandaged now. Big oof xD

I'm no mechanic, but it does sounds pretty expensive '-'

... to be honest, I wasn't expecting her to still be around your account, especially almost a month ago ! :o

Ah, some things have happened since then and I'm unsure as to whether the original person is even purchasing her still to be honest

A shame, to be honest... 

I know how it's like, but on the opposite side : trying to get an adoptable, but with no answers from the seller part... Always a bit weird... 

At this point I'm not actually in the server with whoever had offered on the adopt due to drama, and they haven't gotten back in contact with me nor paid the money, so at this point if you wish to buy Bandaged I wouldn't be opposed to it.

I actually try to keep some money for a convention happening next week (+2 days). But when it'll be over : yea sure, I'll be able to confirm if I take her or not ! (and it'll most likely be a positive answer anyway, but we'll have to see how much I'll have)

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