Comments on Full toyhouse up for offers ya All Comments Start of Thread Parent

or possibly a three way trade + cash? :)

Im down for a three way or a payment plan , dont really mind! As for adds on id take like 300 + some art? Or just the full 350 

Thank you! I will see if anyone would be down to do a three way trade, any specific designers you’re interested in?

if that doesn’t work out id be willing to sort out a payment plan ^_^

Dont have specific designers but im mostly interested in humanoid ocs ^^ u can see my favs to get an idea of what i like!

oki doke! i will make a bulletin and i’ll ping you if any offers come up :) thank you sm!

heya! i think i’ll sort out a payment plan as the trades didn’t go to plan lol

how long would you be okay with waiting? i can do $200 next week and will probably have to wait again after i get paid so it’ll probably be about a month and a half if that’s okay with you?

that would be ok w me!

6 Replies