Comments on Cinnabar "Bandage" All Comments Start of Thread Parent

Alright, I can keep her up in pending for you if you'd like?

I'd appreciate that, thanks :) 

No problem, have fun at your convention :D 

Well, like promised, back a day after the convention ! Not really happy, as I got my left gum lacerated some days before, for absolutely no reasons ... and I'm freaking suffering BUT At least I can take Bandaged :)

Oh dear, make sure to be keeping your mouth as clean as you can and try some numbing mouth gel if you can as it might be able to help with the pain

In terms of Bandaged, please send the $6 to [email protected] and I'll send her on over

I'm already bathing it with mouthwash that should heal it ... but it doesn't make it better for now...

Just sent also

6 Replies