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Ohh yeah for sure, the game is admittedly pretty infamous for its pretty poor guides to concepts, took me around a year to finish the star chart because I didn't know how to build my gear properly and was playing completely solo at that point 💀 Mag is so cool, she's amazingly versatile! I started with poster boy Excalibur xD And YES VALKYR!! She's so strong and carried me through a lot of content because she just shreds everythiiiinnnggg. Limbo I wouldn't worry too much about, he's very much not beginner friendly and his uses are kinda niche 😅

There are a handful of microtransactions in the game yeah, but I don't really sweat too much about it because a lot of cosmetics like colour palettes and armour tend to come in either for free or by exchanging event tokens which are acquired through regular gameplay. I think the Dog Days event just dropped today and they offer a colour palette if you're after one! The Halloween colour palette coming up is also really cool. Luckily the premium currency in the game can actually be acquired for free by trading! Most people will offer plat for prime parts that you can easily obtain in void fissure missions.

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OMG equinox is SO SO FUN she has so many different builds for support and she's so pretty!! There was a reveal in Tennocon last week briefly related to Mag which was very... interesting with lore implications hehe andhadaveryhotreveal ( - á´— - )

Oh yeah the trade system is a nightmare. Most people on PC trade via warframe(.)market which is a third party site that lists offers and buyers as well as list trends in pricing so it's a lot more fair. Trade chat in-game is really scummy so I'd avoid it if you can (especially since the economy is different between platforms and has yet to stabilise since the cross-platform play update).

I couldn't do stage 4 solo, had to do it in a group to finish it xD Not that good at aiming haha

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