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yeah! before you buy them though, I just recently made a blacklist and if I find out you trade the character to someone on the blacklist or are someone on the list yourself (under a new account) I have the right to revoke the character under toyhouse's rules of character revocation. knowing this, would you still like to purchase the character?

Yep! Def!! So I see you make a ref if I do 10? (I am kinda gonna redesign them once I get them :D and it would be nice if I just can tell you what the redesign would look like)

depends on what the redesign is! what did you have in mind?

Smth like this:

(I made a sketch lol quickly so sorry if it is messy)

(okay but I would put like a jacket and some opt glasses but I just redesigned the body and stuff) 

(I would put a pet snake and it would be a half snake- half devil-  half dog :D) and like a snake tongue idk I want it to be perfect cuz I luv the design so much

hmm, if I was doing the reference sheet that would be quite a few changes. that's also pretty specific, I was just expecting something like changing colors.

and nice sketch! looks similar to the artstyle of someone I used to know, it's quite uncanny

Ooh ty!! :D Okay you don't have to do it but I would like the tail like that at least lol. Ty!! :D It is quite a big compliment from you :D so can I send the money?

10 Replies