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hello! im sorry if im bothering you because i already asked alot, but im almost done with my first character HTML thanks to your help :D ok so my problem is that the white box/square i tried to put in the main box/square thing popped up on but when i put the code on TH. it doesnt appear for some reason thank you! this is the last thing ill rlly need to ask :D

hi!! everything's looking pretty good!! :3

i think the thing wrong is that for the background url you're using for the disappearing box (aka the white background), youre not using a proper image. notice how it says "..." etc etc, and doesn't end with a .jpg, .png or .gif? thatll cause some issues!

while i believe theres some exceptions to this case, its best to use an image with those file types when using a background command like that. 

just replace

"style="background:url()" --> "style="background:url(" !!! (pls ignore the fact its a link, wysiwyg reads it as one but the code should read it as an image code!)

the jpg i provided is a free resource from google images. theres some divs you forgot to close up in your code too but that can be done in the final process of clean up, its looking amazing!!!

