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How good ^o^ !! I will considering Felicity, And i'm definitivly interested in the fem mécha, having some ideas for her ^.^ ! Just before i offer, thèse 5 arts are 5 differents filters of thé same picture right ^^ ?

Sure! feel free to offer.

And yeah, fem robot has 5 arts but since are bigger and some have slightly different colors o3ob

Well for her i can offer some characters from here ^^ ( i say some because if multiples interest you WE can discuss i won't bite 8D )

Or 2 full-bodies and 2 half-bodies ^^. Here's my artwork :) :

I'm sorry I didn't see anyone I could really click with :(((((

And for the art, are you interested ^^' ? I'm sorry if i'm bothering you, it's just i am very in love with her ^^"

Ack, sorry about that! Knew i forgot something. For Felicity and the mecha, I definitely am looking more for design trades than art trades for them, sorry :(

7 Replies