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Terribly sorry for the late response!!  I'd love to draw Mo! She's really pretty..
Would this kid be easier? c:

Bless, I'm excited to see Mo in your style!! 

And yeah, Joseph should be nice and easy on my garbage arm, thanks for being flexible! <3 I should have my half done within the next week or so (most likely on Sunday or Monday)~

Alrighty, finished my half! Here you go friend:

Thank you so so much!!! He looks adorable ;;

I'll try to finish my part soon <3

I'm glad you like it!! He was real fun to draw

I'm excited to see! No rush whatsoever tho, take as long as you need, friend~ <3

I just uploaded my end, if theres anything you need me to change feel free to tell me!! I'm so so sorry for the wait ;; 

YEEEE that turned out perfect, thank you so much friend!!! I love how you did her accessories and the grey feather edges!! And that background is SO PRETTY! And I love the grumpy expression you gave her! No worries about the wait, your art is worth the wait and also you really didn't take that long in the grand scheme of things~ <333