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hey- this pains me like frick mainly because I love the character and this has happened to me before -.- starts to get annoying and hurtful but when trading for this character I was unaware they were a raffle which means that the designer is revoking them. -_- so- they told me you had to pay what i traded for them back, since I already added art and have pending commissions for them *ugh* idk what imma do and this is really annoying for me since i really loved her and planned on stuff for her but it's whatever its FINE

sorry if that was a lil much of a vent it just is annoying/hurtful since i was unaware of this and am now getting it revoked :D

But the designer said you had to pay me back somehow- so im just like-- yeah idk how to write these things do you think this char would work--,,?

I'm so sorry, i didn't realize, I don't really want to give that character up because im emotionally attached to him- but you can look at some others

oki,, no worries at all- I didn't know either- It happens !!

Do you have any other chars with art by Kaidou or are Kaidou designs??

from what im looking at i don't see any others--

I checked that one but it was from a raffle from what i see

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