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Hello -smiles sweetly and waves- I am so glad you could join us here

Ahhh why thank you~ //hugs// you're the one who had me join after all~

The interesting thing about Toyhouse and comments and stuff is that you can post you comments in character (but you can see that someone did that unless you go the main thread unfortunately, so that can get a tad confusing but it is still a neat feature <3 I had posted that in Kleeia's person is what I mean lol ^_^

Ah!!! I see!!! Well that's really cool XD I didn't know about that. It is a very neat feature. But yeah I now know what you mean XD

Yea it's still in process of getting fixed up so maybe they will work on it eventually :3 I sent you a world request so we shall see if this works the way I think it will

XD well as long as it does it's deed than that's enough for me. XD And yeah! I saw XD i hope it works as well

8 Replies