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i really like these kinds of questions! IMPORTANT STUFF.
but hmm. i don't think it'd taste too great. sort of like a taste of plastic....

like the page says though, if they're fine with your touch, licking/kissing/etc would feel something like drinking a hot liquid, lol. the big question is: would you get plasma goo in your mouth after doing anything like that...?   and the answer is, if you're not careful, you really will get plasma residue on you! mamma mia

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i can see that being a thing that they have to patent, like 'mouth spray' or 'body spray' for Plasmids-- so that way if you're a conscientious Plasmid, you buy a spray that suits your tastes so you don't come off as nasty to others. lolol

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LOL i love that Lumen would just be like SO WHATTTT. love that scamp!!!