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Ohhh my god that's so awesome? Turns out they literally played near me today, I had no idea. :'D I wouldn't have been able to see them anyway, spent too much money on apartment stuff lately lmao. next time though... Next time.


Ohh snap, well you totally should next time around, and make sure you have enough to get VIP when you do, cause vip lets you meet them and take a picture with them. I already can't wait until their next tour.

Also, what's your fav song(s) from the new album? I'm stuck between Pray, Renegade, Whatever it Takes, and Black Cadillac, they're all so good like damn, I only have like 2 songs from the entire album that I wouldn't listen to every day, and even then they're still 200% good.

Oh man I'd absolutely love to. I've never done that before generally bc it's so priceyy, but maybe one day!! it'd be a neatnto get to say hello to them.

AND OH MAN THAT'S HARD... I think right now I'd have to go with Bad Moon, Whatever It Takes, and Nobody's Watching. But they're all so good ahhh