Comments on Tahiti All Comments

Would anyone in my th outside of fursonas interest you? :0

I would also be willing to do a custom or two for them! Ally examples can be found on my insta Sushiimews !

I'd also be able to add on usd!

KohanaCraft not sure if you saw this qwq

Hello, yes I saw this! Apologies for the wait, I've been attempting to get through all the comments/DMs I've gotten for this design! ;^^

How much in USD would you be willing to do for them? ^^

Oh it's alright! I had been in school the majority of the day and didnt realize how many comments there were, I am so sorry qwq

But I'd be able to add on about $20+ if you found a character/wanted art :3

That's alright, no need to apologize! I didn't see anyone I would use unfortunately! ;^^

How much would you be willing to do as a money offer alone? 

I'd be able to do $27 atm! 

1 Replies