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Do you want to make your own watermark or use Toyhouse's default watermark? (The one that looks like a House and says "TH" on it). It's the same process for both, but if you want to use your own watermark, you need to make it first in a program, then upload it in your settings, then upload it to the image. (See steps below.)

1. Click on the character you wish to watermark.

2. Click on edit (the pencil).

3. Under "Privacies" there are few choices.

---"Full Size" will allow anyone to see the image without a watermark.

---"Watermarked" creates a watermark over the image (seen in step 4).

---"Thumbnail" only lets users see a thumbnail size of the image.

---"Hidden" will not let any user see the image, even those linked to it.

Note: You can still see the image, watermarked or full size, no matter what you choose, as long as you are logged in. (Great for sending unwatermarked images privately to people!)

4. Now if you still want to watermark, choose which one, and who can see the watermarked image.

---"Authorized Viewers" are people you link specifically to your character/image.

---"Public Viewers" are anyone who is on TH, logged in or not.

---"Watermark" is the type of watermark - "Default" is the TH house I talked about. Theres tile, stretch, or center. "My Watermark" is one you upload yourself (You can create one in Sai, Gimp, Photoshop, etc.) Click on "Watermark Settings" to upload your own, then come back to the image to watermark the image.

5. Once you are done, click "Upload Image" or if it's already upload, "Edit Image."

That's it! Sounds complicated, but it's really simple after a few times. =)