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Hello, Charge! I know I've been dumping a lot of gifts on you lately,,,but the other day I was scrolling through DA and I saw this adopt that I think you would I bought it for you. Hehehe- It's not a pokemon or some of the other cool OCs you have, but as soon as I saw it, it reminded me of you. Because I know you like muted colors and little semi-creepy but lovably lost toy-like things. It wasn't expensive at all, and is worth 60-190 DA points. Which if you don't know, a DA point is worth 1.25 of a penny. So it really is worth, 75 cents to a dollar 70 cents, or so. If you don't like it, I would be completely okay if you sold it, and since I made it a messy ref with decent art, you can sell it for more than I bought it for! Anyways, here it is. You can name it whatever you want, it's a weird little creepy furby thingy --> Ref Totally not that once loved childhood toy, that has come back to 'haunt' and protect their former child, and ends up killing a burglar that breaks into the house to protect the family and everybody thinks it's evil even though it just wants a cuddle- Anyways, I hope you like it! It's fine if you don't though, and want to sell it! :)

Okay so I've been formulating how to respond to this for the past five hours or so- I don't think thank you is enough?? Like- this is amazing!! This is fantastic!! This is so cute (as cute as a Furby can be, you know- tastes like Sparkles, too, which is pretty strange-). Are you sure it's all right if I keep it?? Because I've never owned a Furby- but this- this is awesome-

(I don't know if tasting like sprinkles is good or bad (I mean, for me, it would be good because I like to eat sprinkles,)  I was afraid it'd taste like glow sticks or medicine capsules, so I guess that is better than one of those two!)) Of course, you can keep it! I wouldn't buy it for you if I wasn't gonna let you have it! Aaa, you don't have to thank me at all! The best thanks of all is just knowing that you actually like it, and appreciate it! That's what friends do! (I'm so sorry if you don't think of me as a friend,,,just making sure because I've had a bad experience with that before-) I didn't know if you would like a furby, because to be honest, they are kinda weird and creepy when made to be, so I'm just glad that you actually do. And since I knew you didn't own any, I didn't know if that was because ya' didn't like them. And, I also made the ref so you/me can edit the ref, and add a name and additional facts (there are bullet points, but they're super hard to see-) So, yeah- hhhh, if you tell me what you want to name it and other information, I can edit the ref and stuff :3

(Sprinkles was a stuffed dog I used to own- they had sparkles in its fur, kinda tasted like stale cupcakes!)

Oh! I was thinking of the name Ib (ib, that's an i not an L-), and something about saying things that tend to come true in the future (along with, of course, being a killer and courageous Furby)! I can't actually change anything about the image right now because I'm away from my computer- if you're busy, I can just change it later!

(Oh, even better XD) :0 I like that name! You always come up with super interesting names, lol, I can only come up with lame plant names XD I can change it later today, after school! I won't be that busy and it won't take very long! I'll try to word it the best I can, but if you don't like something about it, I can change it again. 

Sounds good!! The best way to find good names is to just look for them- there aren't as many 'Bob's and 'Bill's as you'd expect in the world- JoN is also always a help for me, when I get stuck!

141 Replies