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Thanks for the favorite on Dinox! :3

could you also tell me how i could code my page like yours? that would be awesome!

Np lol there all cuties you have And aye alrighty here’s the steps You can go here 1st- and see all the different layout and some are free to use and the press the one that says (code) and copy the link for it all 2nd-go to settings and then click menu 3rd-click profile it’ll say(profile content) 4th-you put the link (code) inside the box and poof you should be good Hope it helps or just ask(⌒_⌒) plus lol I got a bit lazy on fixing mine 

It showed up as just text for me ;;

Hmmm see that you have it but I think you can basically just edit yourself like description  

But on (profile content) it say

So enable it first then press 

turn on WYSIWYG just press that so it’ll be easier to type what you want 

got it! thank you!

1 Replies