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judas i think i murdered your thread 

forgive me for i have sinned

sorry not sorry

Oof lmao

I'll see if I can revive it! Sorry I've been a bit absent from the forums lately :v

(Also a quick tip to avoid "murdering" my preference game thread would be to avoid posting the same pairs (Hermes/Raphael, Caine/Elijah...) over and over, I think! I understand that you are looking for feedback on them, but I think that a lot of the regulars in the thread have already claimed these in the past, and that's why it's often stuck! You can still post these characters individually ofc, but maybe pair them with someone else? ^^' -sorry if the way I worded this sounds rude off it isn't my attention at all-)

It’s alright haha!

Oooh I see, that helps a lot; thanks. Yeah it doesn’t sound rude, don't worry!