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I am trying to figure out how to make notes on how the character's personality is and how to make her easy to see her personality

Motivation is a great place to start explaining a character. ^^ What is it she wants most-- what she thinks she needs to be happy? Everyone to like her? To succeed at something? Making a few notes about that (and her smaller motivations) will show a lot about her.

Second, how does she interact with her surroundings/people? Is she cautious, confident, relaxed? Body language such as slouching, hiding behind hair/baggy clothes, lounging, or good posture can help highlight this aspect of a character for people to see.

Getting some likes and dislikes is nice too-- but you have to be specific to show her personality! Everyone likes their friends or some sort of music, right? Saying someone likes lame jokes, or blues music (for example) tells you a lot more about them.

On that note, coming up with a couple of songs that feel like they fit a character is also fun!

what do you mean by "Motivation?" I don't know what I mean

Like, what she wants in life-- everyone wants something.

1) what a character wants and 2) how they try to get it tells you a lot about them. It shapes how they treat other people and what kinds of activities/methods they gravitate toward.

Hm that is a little difficult I don't even have much of a motivation for my own life