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XDDD well! On the bright side it's pretty simple~ So say if you wanted buttons that linked off to your deviantart account, you could easily just make a couple in Photoshop or whatever drawing software you have (even Word works in a fix) and upload them somewhere(I generally use Then you'd just go to that image and copy the image URL, so right click on it and get it from there - or download it and get the url there. Then all you have to do is go into settings here, and edit your profile page \ouo/ And big text box will have a little button for "insert image" or something of the like and you can just got that and paste in your code. There's also a super easy hyperlink button, so if you highlight your image and then put in your deviantart account url - tadaaaa you have a button \ouo/ Same thing basically for anything and everything else~ I totally didn't realize there was a button so I did it all in the source code XDD but if you aren't familiar with HTML toyhouse is pretty easy~ ouob I hope that helps!

Oh wow that is simple! Thank you so much!!!

Anytime~ >u