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lol it's not weird i swear !!! i've done basically the same thing before don't worry haha

i'm guessiiiing the union jack? hA

super nice to meet another aph fan tho !! 

even worse. i wore my aph america shirt from like, 2013 (;u;)

What do you mean worse that's bETTER hA

I wish I had more hetalia merch lmao

bruv this shirt was like. five years old lmaojfsohfoes!!! i mean i love hetalia but holy crap it was so strange

like. imagine someone walking nervously down a public school hallway. fully aware that what they're wearing is strange.


Coming from me, who likes to attempt cosplay on the daily (and fails miserably), and who dressed up like a mafiaman for spirit week once, trust me when i tell you it is far from weird

I have seen. So many weird things