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sorry for my late reply i was busy!! i do commissions headshots are typically $7-8 and reference sheets are $25-$30 depending on complexity!!

You're totally good!! I was curious how much a reference for the cat I bought from you would be?

There of course have been some minor changes to the design but otherwise I'd be open to comming you for a reference sheet! :o

sorry again for replying late! I can totally do a reference sheet for them! since their design is rather simple it would be $25!

You're all good! The email attached to my paypal is [email protected]! I'll send the money asap! The only minor appearance change is now he has curled ears! I'd also like the collar to be off/removed for this piece bc it's going to be used in a wcrp!

alright! you can send the money to [email protected]! and i'll put you on the list, do you have discord or Instagram that I can contact you easier on for updates? 

Sent! My discord is @/^˓♡.. red .੭#0090!