Commission Worthy Art V2

Posted 4 years, 11 months ago (Edited 4 years, 11 months ago) by TheStrayCat

Is my art commission worthy?

0 Votes Yes, I would!
3 Votes Not for me, but maybe someone else would!
0 Votes No
1 Votes I think maybe if you ... (Comment!)

So recently I made this thread: And I got some really great tips and criticism. While I was initially hurt at the harsh words, I came around and am really appreciative of the real, truthful responses I got as it is what I need to hear.

I am proud to announce I have upped the quality of my art; while still traditional, I am working towards a scanner but in the meantime am using my brand new instagram account to do some editing that makes things clearer, brighter, and smoother. While the PWYW coms have all been sketches so far, I did get my first paypal commission this week and got paid today! This has encouraged me to advertise myself here.

Here are some examples I have done for people the last few weeks: 


Clean full body sketch


Messy bust sketch


Messy full body sketch

I have opened an art shop on flightrising, here: And I accept paypal! So if anyone wants a commission, feel free to PM, but for now, I want to reopen the poll! 

Thank you anyone who votes or comments, it is appreciated and I look forward to improving any way I can :)


There's a free mobile app called "camscanner" that I use in a pinch when doing traditional pieces. It completely butchers colors, but if it's sketches you can easily adjust contrasts and brightness to make it completely passable without investing in an expensive scanner!


Pam oh thank you for the tip! I will absolutely check that out, since sketches are the most common thing I do right now!


You're welcome, hope it helps!